Access detection measurements from a QuPath project in python

1 minute read


Access detection measurements from a QuPath project in python.

Iterate over each image, and, each annotation per image, to access the detections and their measurements. Put the measurements in a pandas dataframe.


example showing how to get detections for each annotation of an image within a project

Created on Tue Apr  9 13:53:22 2024

from paquo.projects import QuPathProject
import pandas as pd

EXAMPLE_PROJECT = "D:\\_TestFiles\\test-project\\project.qpproj"

with QuPathProject(EXAMPLE_PROJECT, mode='r') as qp:
    print("Project Name: ",
    # iterate over the images
    for image in qp.images:
        # annotations and detections are accessible via the hierarchy
        annotations = image.hierarchy.annotations
        detections = image.hierarchy.detections

            for annotation in annotations: 
                # list Comprehension
                childrens = [detection for detection in detections if ==]
                # measurements dictionary for each detection
                df = pd.DataFrame(detection.measurements for detection in childrens)
                # print the total number of detections and the total number of measurements
                print( ,"--> Number of detections: ", df.shape[0], " Number of measurements: ", df.shape[1])

Installation and setup notes:

  1. Create conda environment
  2. Install paquo
  3. Update config file with path to QuPath installation directory
  4. Install spyder IDE

I had some trouble using paquo via PyCharm IDE, more investigations needed for troubleshooting